Tuesday will mark VIX December’s expiration, marking yet another volatile month. The good news is that the VIX has retreated from its mid November high of 80. Although still considered to be very high, a retreating VIX has allowed some investors with a window of buying opportunity. The bad news is that it appears that this window was not open for too Long. With the current VIX level, fear still surrounds this market. Investors are concerned about the Big 3, the implications of a new Obama Administration, and more wall st. scandals. Perhaps January’s VIX will lead to more clarity.
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Are option traders expecting a major sell off in June? $VIX had been smashed today prior to last 30 minutes of trading and then $SPY puts found a bid. #EAVOL https://t.co/dpBynvQkB7
Market Commentary
Brian Stutland