Equity Armor Investments offers alternative investment opportunities through its CTA Programs and managed futures strategies.


For Institutions & Investors

Discover how managed futures can potentially enhance, diversify, and protect your portfolio against down markets in a separately managed account.


For Managers

Explore our CTA Programs and strategies that could help support the goals and investment objectives of your SMA clients.

Our Strategic Edge: VIX Experts Using of VIX Futures

Clients can open separately managed margin accounts (borrowed funds) in which Equity Armor strategies will seek to profit from volatility swings in the stock market using VIX futures according to the EAVOL index methodology in conjunction with S&P 500 futures and options.

Equity Armor Investments Managed Futures Strategies

Positions held are typically short in duration (less than 60 days).

Equity Armor Alpha Trading Program

The Equity Armor Alpha trading program seeks more non-correlated moves of the stock market.

Equity Armor Beta Trading Program

The Equity Armor Beta trading program is most correlated to S&P 500 index returns, while also attempting to control day to day volatility.


Equity Armor can trade the EAVOL Index for those seeking to only track the VIX futures market.

More about this methodology

Potential Benefits of Managed Futures Strategies

  • Portfolio Diversification Opportunities
  • Reduced Overall Portfolio Risk
  • Enhanced Overall Portfolio Returns
  • Profit Potential During All Market Environments
  • Tax Advantages
  • Investment Security
  • Transparency and Liquidity

Learn how our alternative investment strategies can support your objectives.